Dental veneers performed in our Ocoee cosmetic dental office can best be described as dental restoration covering the visual surface of a tooth to match the color, shape, craze lines, decalcification, and even add length to genetically smaller teeth. The use of veneers in our Ocoee cosmetic dentistry office changes the esthetics of the smile and makes our Orlando area patients rejoice. But this procedure is not new. However, the materials we use in the fabrication of the veneers has changed dramatically.
The newer materials we use in our state of the art Ocoee dental office allows for higher strength and for more light to shine through which creates a more beautiful smile that simulates the look and feel of natural teeth. The materials used for veneers in the past were good but were not translucent enough to create the appearance of natural teeth. Allowing the light transfer makes the new material used in veneers look “real”.
Another breakthrough in dental materials has allowed us to make the veneers thinner and remain very strong and durable. The thinner the veneer the more natural the appearance and the more the tooth underneath can shine through. At Complete Family Dentistry and Implant Center in Ocoee, it’s very exciting to see the results and the patient’s reaction once new veneers are done to replace the old.